Cannabis Oil, Medical Marijuana, and Recreational Marijuana

In a nutshell, the Troup Baptist Association is not opposed to the usage of cannabis oil for medicinal purposes, as defined and regulated by Georgia law currently in effect.  However, those who champion the use of cannabis oil and medical marijuana have seen their efforts hijacked by those who want recreational marijuana legalized in Georgia.  We are opposed to the legal use of recreational marijuana in the State of Georgia.  Also, because it would be impossible to regulate, we are opposed to the unfettered growing and possession of marijuana for the manufacture of cannabis oil.  Therefore, while we are sympathetic to the cause of those seeking the means to legally procure and use cannabis oil and/or medical marijuana for legitimate causes, the preponderance of all the facts and potential adverse possibilities, coupled with the Law of Unintended Consequences, forces us to take a position opposing any attempt to legalize recreational marijuana and to be very cautious and reserved regarding the legalization of medical marijuana.  Again, we do not oppose the usage of cannabis oil as defined and governed by current Georgia law.