Community Disaster Relief Effort

Helping our Neighbors.

This Friday, January 20, 2023 from 4pm-6pm a large group will gather to bring help to our neighbors in the Lexington Park and Baldwin Park communities.

Bring items that can be given away to help the residents in the clean-up and salvaging of their possessions as well as gift cards and other items you can give away. Storage totes and storage boxes will be helpful, too.

Also, bring gloves and trash bags to help clean up small debris scattered throughout the community.

We will have water, food, and other items to be given away and grilling hamburgers and hot dogs for everyone.


(706) 768-3179

(706) 884-1975

Special thanks to Haley Dodgins, Councilman Leon Childs, Troup Baptist Association, Red Cross & other churches & businesses